
How to Choose Dining Room Furniture?

Posted by John Moller on

When we talk about getting furniture for your dining room, we really usually only mean a dining table and set of dining chairs. So, the question, remains, which set are you going to purchase? Should it be something classical, something modern, or something bespoke? What about the size and layout? Keep reading to find out how to choose the best furniture for your dining room. The Dining Table Always start with the table. Measure your space and determine a size smaller than what can fit so that it is not uncomfortable to get in and around once you have the...

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How to Choose Office Furniture

Posted by John Moller on

Whether you are looking to open an office or upgrade your existing office furniture, choosing the ideal collection of furniture for an office space requires some consideration and planning. At International Design Center, we are your source for numerous options when it comes to modern office furniture. The minimum furniture requirements for even a basic office of small to moderate size will often include one or two desks, office chairs to match, and adequate storage space. Larger offices may need additional meeting tables, more desks, and other pieces, including office shelves. Consider the following factors when choosing office furniture: Quality...

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Luonto Furniture Sofa Beds and Sleepers

Posted by John Moller on

Based in the country of Finland, Luonto Furniture is a brand that manufactures handmade furniture. The various pieces it offers include exceptional quality sofas, chairs, sectionals, sleepers, and reasonably priced living and dining room amenities. At International Design Center, we offer an extensive array of Luonto sofa beds that provide exceptional comfort and enhanced décor. Luonto, with its focus on chairs, sofas, dining and living room pieces, and sectionals, maintains its specialty focus on producing exceptional quality sleepers. The brands have designed some of the most advanced hybrid pieces, including recliners, bunk sofa beds, and reclining pull-out beds. The company’s...

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Key Features of Danish Design

Posted by John Moller on

Although the Danish design style was birthed in Europe, it has spread around the world. It includes attributes that are functional, simple, and cozy. This design scheme utilizes the appealing features of nature, including soft, organic textures, and rich, natural wood tones. At International Design Center, we offer an array of furniture pieces that incorporate Danish design to enrich your living spaces. Whether you are looking for a Danish modern coffee table, Danish modern dining table, Danish recliners, or other Danish style pieces, we have you covered. In the mid-20th century, key pieces of Danish design furniture were brought forth,...

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What is Scandinavian Style Furniture and Why is it So Popular?

Posted by John Moller on

Scandinavian design is a genre of design that has impacted many layers of design, including products design, architecture, and interior design. It began in the Nordic countries (Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Iceland) during the early part of the 20th century. By the middle of the 20th century, it was known worldwide. Scandinavian design combines functionality and minimalism, providing an appealing solution for simple living. At International Design Center, we offer an array of high end Scandinavian furniture pieces to enhance your décor. Whether you are looking for a Scandinavian style sofa, Scandinavian chair and ottoman, or other Scandinavian style...

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